Step Chart#

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Most examples work across multiple plotting backends, this example is also available for:

import holoviews as hv
from holoviews import opts

Declare data#

# build a dataset where multiple columns measure the same thing
stamp    = [.33, .33, .34, .37, .37, .37, .37, .39, .41, .42,
            .44, .44, .44, .45, .46, .49, .49]
postcard = [.20, .20, .21, .23, .23, .23, .23, .24, .26, .27,
            .28, .28, .29, .32, .33, .34, .35]

group = "U.S. Postage Rates (1999-2015)"
stamp    = hv.Curve(stamp, vdims='Rate per ounce', label='stamp', group=group)
postcard = hv.Curve(postcard, vdims='Rate per ounce', label='postcard', group=group)
postage = (stamp * postcard)


    opts.Curve(interpolation='steps-mid', width=400, height=400,
               line_dash=hv.Cycle(values=['dashed', 'solid'])),
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