Square Limit#

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Demo version of the square_limit topic notebook in examples/topics/geometry.

Most examples work across multiple plotting backends, this example is also available for:

import holoviews as hv
from holoviews import opts
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D

Declaring data and transforms#


rotT = Affine2D().rotate_deg(90).translate(1, 0)
rot45T = Affine2D().rotate_deg(45).scale(1. / np.sqrt(2.), 1. / np.sqrt(2.)).translate(1 / 2., 1 / 2.)
flipT = Affine2D().scale(-1, 1).translate(1, 0)

def combine(obj):
    "Collapses overlays of Splines to allow transforms of compositions"
    if not isinstance(obj, hv.Overlay): return obj
    return hv.Spline((np.vstack([el.data[0] for el in obj.values()]),
                      np.hstack([el.data[1] for el in obj.values()])))
def T(spline, transform):
    "Apply a transform to a spline or overlay of splines"
    spline = combine(spline)        
    result = Path(spline.data[0], codes=spline.data[1]).transformed(transform)
    return hv.Spline((result.vertices, result.codes))

def beside(spline1, spline2, n=1, m=1):
    den = float(n + m)
    t1 = Affine2D().scale(n / den, 1)
    t2 = Affine2D().scale(m / den, 1).translate(n / den, 0)
    return combine(T(spline1, t1) * T(spline2, t2))

def above(spline1, spline2, n=1, m=1):
    den = float(n + m)
    t1 = Affine2D().scale(1, n / den).translate(0, m / den)
    t2 = Affine2D().scale(1, m / den)
    return combine(T(spline1, t1) * T(spline2, t2))

def nonet(p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x):
    return above(beside(p, beside(q, r), 1, 2),
                 above(beside(s, beside(t, u), 1, 2),
                       beside(v, beside(w, x), 1, 2)), 1, 2)

def quartet(p, q, r, s):
    return above(beside(p, q), beside(r, s))

def side(n,t):
    if n == 0: 
        return hv.Spline(([(np.nan, np.nan)],[1]))
        return quartet(side(n-1,t), side(n-1,t), rot(t), t)

def corner(n,u,t):
    if n == 0:
        return hv.Spline(([(np.nan, np.nan)],[1]))
        return quartet(corner(n-1,u,t), side(n-1,t), rot(side(n-1,t)), u)
def squarelimit(n,u,t):
    return nonet(corner(n,u,t), side(n,t), rot(rot(rot(corner(n,u,t)))),
                 rot(side(n,t)), u, rot(rot(rot(side(n,t)))), 
                 rot(corner(n,u,t)), rot(rot(side(n,t))), rot(rot(corner(n,u,t))))

def rot(el):        return T(el,rotT)
def rot45(el):      return T(el, rot45T)
def flip(el):       return T(el, flipT)


fish = hv.Spline((spline, [1,4,4,4]*34)) # Cubic splines
smallfish = flip(rot45(fish))
t =  fish *  smallfish * rot(rot(rot(smallfish)))
u = smallfish * rot(smallfish) * rot(rot(smallfish)) * rot(rot(rot(smallfish)))
    opts.Spline(width=600, height=600, xaxis=None, yaxis=None))